Markets We Serve

Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas

Oil production and transportation projects take place in almost every part of the world where it requires comprehensive planning and safe execution.  We offer a complete range of comprehensive services for the oil industry. Our expertise and industry experience enable us to provide a full scope of solutions for small, as well as large crossings, and provide our customers with tailor-made services to operate safely, profitabilty, and environmentally conscious. Our resources and highly qualified personnel allow us to keenly focus on customer and project needs, as well as on consistently high-quality services.




As US population densities increase, additional wastewater and sewer related infrastructure must be installed to handle increased demands.  Texla Directional Drilling  services allow for a variety of wastewater and sewer services to be run around existing sewer and water lines as well as under buildings, roads, urban water bodies and power cables. This includes at grade installations for large diameter pipes, power line installations under sensitive areas and utility corridor installations that have the capability to handle additional wastewater and sewage capacity at a later date.




Electric power can also be transmitted by underground power cables instead of overhead power lines. Underground cables take up less right-of-way than overhead lines, have lower visibility and are less affected by bad weather. However, costs of insulated cable and excavation are much higher than overhead construction. Faults in buried transmission lines take longer to locate and repair. Underground lines are strictly limited by their thermal capacity, which permits less overload or re-rating than overhead lines. From electric power plants, to substations, and even light poles on the streets, Texla Directional Drilling bores electrical transmission and distribution lines underground in the safest and most cost effective ways possible.


Natural Gas & LNG

Natural Gas & LNG

Abundant unconventional gas resources in the United States has driven opportunities for Gas and LNG, both domestically and for export. Coal consumption reduction has given way to the increased demand of natural gas and subsequently,  the infrastructure for transport.  The increasing growth in global markets for natural gas and liquefied natural gas and the rate which it occurred, presented unprecedented challenges, risks and opportunities for infrastructure developers. Texla Directional Drilling has completed projects that have been in difficult geographies with challenging subsurface conditions, but with our HDD capabilities, early project planning and preparation for our client's projects,  we always ensure a safe and timely construction that is required for transmission. Texla Directional Drilling understands there are a variety of important requirements based on your industry and the customers you serve. In order to live up to the industry’s high safety standards, variable design considerations, and customer needs-based construction projects,  We have the capabilities to take on trenchless projects large or small.  We listen to our customers’ needs so we can provide solutions that are specifically designed for their requirements.
